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Serve Hashem with Joy

Laws Of Chanukah which starts on December 25th

12/26/2024 04:41:00 PM


Rabbi Saunders

The minimum obligation is that every household should have one candle burning every night. It is customary to be scrupulous regarding this mitzvah: to have one candle on the first night and an additional candle every night (1-8), and for everyone in the house as well.

Any type of oil is acceptable for use in the menorah, however, it is best to use olive oil. The oil should not be non Kosher.

The menorah should be similar to the Menorah in the Temple and hence most authorities forbid using electric lights or gas lamps.  Wax candles are also acceptable, providing they have only  a single wick.

All wicks are acceptable, but it is best to use cotton. The same wicks may be used all 8 nights.

If one is using candles a Menorah is not necessary.

Ideally, the Menorah should be placed outside the house to the left of the entrance. Since anti-Semitism was so common throughout Jewish history it became customary among may communities to place the Menorah inside the house, near the entrance or on the table. In many families it is the custom to place the menorah in a window facing the public. 

There are different customs as to the lighting of the MenorahSome light at sunset. Some light about ten minutes after sunset and some light 1/2 hour after. Some specifically light after the evening service is recited. In Delray Beach one should light around 6:10pm.

It is obligatory to put in enough oil, or a long enough candle to burn for at least 1/2 hour after nightfall.

On the first night three brachot, blessings are recited. "Lehadlik ner shel Chanukah", "She asa nissim" and "Shehecheyanu". 

On the other nights only the first two blessings are said. All the blessings should be recited before actually lighting the candles. First light the Shamash (helper candle)  before the blessings to avoid delay. It is forbidden to speak between the recitation of the blessings and the completion of candle lighting.

Place the first candle on the extreme right of the Menorah. On the second night add a candle on the left of the first one. Light the newest candle first and proceed to the right.

During morning prayersone should recite the full Hallel every day."Al hanissimthe special paragraph of prayers for Chanukah is added in the silent prayers, Shmoneh Esreh, and also in Benching. If one forgot to say this addition, one should not repeat either Shmoneh Esreh or Benching.

Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785